In high-performance games, timing is everything. In an instant you can miss the chance of a lifetime. True timing comes from a comfortable sense that you are in the right place at the right time. The degree of comfort you achieve in times of chaos determines your chances of success.
One of our accountants achieved great prosperity due to a fortuitous encounter with a wealthy gentleman. The man offered to invest a large amount of money that paid high commissions. The accounting guy had trained with Sage. He declined what looked like easy money because the request didn’t light up the investor.
The potential client was surprised. “What does that mean? Are you turning down my money?” What do you mean by lighting up?
My associate replied, “With all due respect, if your projects don’t ignite visible passion in both of us, we will make money, but we won’t enjoy better living.”
At that instant, the two men saw each other in a different light. The investor had a story to tell:
“A few years back I was a regular salesman, rushing to an appointment to sell foam air conditioner filters for large buildings. I was running late, so I called to cancel my meeting. With my day suddenly open, I decided to stop for a pleasure meal and give myself a brief vacation.
For some reason I carried a sample of my product inside the restaurant. As I was paying the bill a man approached m table and commented on the black foam material. Texans tend to be friendly, so we talked informally for a bit. He informed me that he owned a small company that manufactured a similar material at a nearby factory. I paid the check and we drove to the site of his establishment. I realized that his prices were far lower than big companies were demanding. By joining forces, we both got rich by cornering the market on cheaper AC filters.”
What if the salesman had rushed to his appointment? What if he had not stopped at that exact exit and entered that particular establishment? What if he had been too busy to spend time with a new friend?
If you find yourself in the right place at the right time, you should be prepared to seize the cusp. Mysterious timing is called synchronicity. Magical timing is serendipity—a moment when the universe seems to intervene in your life with a sense of humor.
Researchers and bean counters write off such events as superstition. Champion level performers swear by it. They know when they are in the zone.
-Excerpt from the book Innovations in Selling